About Chris
My Story
I went into business to lose money.
I know - it makes no sense, right? And yet, that's exactly what kept happening to me for the last 20+ years.
Even though I always felt a strong calling to put my entrepreneurial mindset to use, it never seemed to work out.
Lemonade stands, hemp necklaces, multi-level-marketing, from 8 years old to my early twenties...
All those businesses had 1 thing in common - I lost money instead of making any.
"I'm a failure", I thought. How else would I explain it?
Disappointed in myself, I chose the predetermined career path society advertised - go to college and find a nice, "steady" 9 to 5 job. My parents would be proud and no one would question my decision since it was “normal,” but deep down, I knew I wasn’t being true to myself.
My self-doubt grew and even led me to believe that college wasn't enough for me to find a good job... so I went to grad school, postponing what I believed to be inevitable.
When I finally found a job, I thought...
"Hey, this isn't too bad! I have good benefits, decent hours, and even a few quick promotions."
And indeed, it was all going great until…
My life was turned upside down by a mysterious illness.
Winded from just sitting for 5 minutes, uncontrollable body tremors, swollen and bruised internal organs that felt like they were being punched 24/7, constant heart palpitations, body aches that kept me from even lifting a glass of water without pain, and the sickest I’ve ever felt in my life, by far. The flu seemed like a fairy tale in comparison.
Conversations became one word replies (if at all). Thinking itself became difficult; common words like “wall” became blank thoughts, my head physically hurting from trying to think of the word.
I’ve always been a positive person, it’s part of who I am. After a few weeks, I was optimistic I’d get through this illness just fine. After all, the doctor said “It’ll pass in about 4-8 weeks.”
After 2 months, that optimism started to fade as I kept getting sicker and sicker.
3 months in, things were getting worse by the week-my foundation was shaken. Netflix was on in the background to make time seem like I wasn’t frozen in this nightmare.
4 months in, I was in utter despair, unsure if I’d ever just feel good in my body again. My entire body was in constant pain 24/7, yet there was still a string of hope I was holding onto; I couldn’t give up. After all, I had a child coming-I couldn’t leave him fatherless and my wife without a partner.
Luckily my job had great benefits. I still had a full time income for 6 months, even though I was only able to scrape out 4 hours a day in bed, responding to emails.
But, after 6 months of this, I was put on full time medical leave.
“How am I supposed to support my family?”
“With a baby on the way, how am I going to help?” (My wife got pregnant the same weekend I became ill…the irony is not lost on me!)
“Will I lose my car, my house, and everything I put in ALL those hours of work and education for?”
Everything I built my identity on was ripped out from under my feet. My trust in the medical system-flattened. My faith-going through the dark night of the soul. When so much of your identity is in your accomplishments and abilities, what are you left with when you’re unable to do anything but lay in bed, helpless?
After one year of this illness, I sat down to write a will, unsure how much longer I’d be able to keep going. It was at that point, I was determined to do whatever it would take to heal and have everything I want in life. That healing is my birthright. That a successful business is my birthright. That all of my hopes and dreams are the hopes and dreams God placed within my heart. And that I CAN (and WILL) make them happen.
That “steady job”-couldn’t rely on it now. Same for my healthcare team-I realized I was on my own. The ventures I had “tried” to make work my whole life HAD to work. Same for my health, I had to figure it out and get well, not just for myself, but for my family. There was no going back-this time, it was going to work.
Now the real reason the businesses didn’t succeed?
I didn’t believe in myself.
Plain and simple.
I didn’t trust my body could heal either.
How can you really succeed if you don’t believe in yourself?
You may be taking the right steps, but if you aren’t confident in them, you’re going to revisit your strategy over and over again like a golden retriever chasing its own tail. You lose a lot of time and confidence, then end up right where you started.
You deserve the business you’ve always dreamt about; the health and vibrant energy you were designed to embody. Let’s get you the freedom and confidence you’ve always known is possible, but haven’t been quite sure how to obtain.
Are you ready to make it work this time?